Purpose:         Inheritance

Points:                        25


My Inherited String Assignment


Create a class named MyString that inherits from the c++ string class.


Add the following public functions:



            MyString(int i); // a conversion constructor

            MyString(const string& s); // a conversion constructor


            void trimStart(); //removes all leading white space

            void trimEnd();   //removes all trailing white space

            void trim(); //removes both leading and trailing white space


            void toUpper(); //makes all characters uppercase

            void toLower();//makes all characters lowercase


//make the string the specified size by adding the filler

//character to the end repeatedly until it is the correct length

void padRight(int Size, char Filler);


//make the string the specified size by adding the filler

//character to the beginning repeatedly until it is the correct


void padLeft(int Size, char Filler);


//return true if the string starts with the string passed in

            bool startsWith(const MyString& s) const;      

//return true if the string ends with the string passed in

bool endsWith(const MyString& s) const;


//make the string contain its current contents the specified

//number of times

            MyString& operator*=(int TimesToRepeat);


//assign the string parameter to the current string

const MyString& operator=(const MyString& rValue);


//check to see if the contents of the string is a valid number

//it may contain one decimal point

bool isNumeric()const;